
Calculate eBay Selling Fees & Profits

Instantly calculate eBay final value fees and profits for different regions, including the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and more.

eBay US logo and flag

Calculate eBay US Fees

eBay UK logo and flag

Calculate eBay UK Fees

eBay Canada logo and flag

Calculate eBay Canada Fees

eBay Australia logo and flag

Calculate eBay Australia Fees

eBay Germany logo and flag

Calculate eBay Germany Fees

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Frequently Asked Questions

SellerFeesCalculator is an online tool designed to help eBay sellers accurately calculate final value fees and total profits for different eBay marketplaces, including the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and more.

Simply select your eBay region, enter your item details, and SellerFeesCalculator will instantly calculate the eBay fees, estimated profit, and final payout.

We currently support eBay marketplaces in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, and more. Additional regions may be added based on demand.

Yes! Our eBay fee calculator is completely free to use. You can calculate eBay selling fees and profits without any cost.

Our calculator is regularly updated to match eBay’s latest fee structures, including changes in final value fees, insertion fees, and store subscription discounts.

We frequently update our fee calculations based on eBay’s latest policies. If you notice any discrepancies, feel free to contact us with your feedback.

Decorative vertical line on the left of the FAQ section for visual appeal. Decorative vertical line on the right of the FAQ section for visual appeal.